Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 17

Wow, I had no idea time was slipping away like that. A week.. almost two weeks ago, I hit sort of a sad funk.. and just never got out of it. But I'm starting to. So, back to this.

Okay, so I went back to the doctor to be told that all my labs look excellent but symptomatically I really REALLY seem like I have PCOS and she wants to go ahead and try out the mild medications to see if it helps.
I've started Metformin for insulin production and Spironolactone for hormonal balancing. I've also maintained less than 1800 calories for 4 days. It's been weird. Almost immediately, I started dropping a few pounds. Not weighed in a few days, but I feel better than I have in weeks.
I've finally accepted that maybe I haven't been adjusting to my "change in living situations" as well as I wanted to think and that I'm just now starting to adjust to being so completely alone. So instead of allowing myself to want to sleep all the time, I've been forcing myself to act and do what needs to be done.. instead of going to bed, which is basically all I've wanted to do.
I'm also going to get one of those natural wavelength lightbulbs and put over my workstation in the apartment. My rooms get NO direct sunlight at all.
Anyway.. back to work..

and yes, I started a new painting.